Physician Assisted KeyboardTM

is a function of Ten Second Medical RecordTM.

October 13, 2007



Physician Assisted Keyboard markedly reduces keystrokes necessary to make a progress note.  In short, the Physician Assisted Keyboard offers to enter the usual symptoms for a condition just by typing the letter “x” followed by the diagnosis.  For example, starting to type “xcystitis” produces a pop up box offering to enter “dysuria and frequency w/o flank pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, or chills, vaginal dc, nor abd pain.”


Starting to type “xxcystitis” causes a pop up box offering the usual physical exam “CVA nontender NAD nontoxic.”


Whole sentences are also being made for a similar function, starting with the letter “y” instead.


(The regular Ten Second Medical RecordTM   offers the whole note except for the treatment with starting to type “cystitis.”

Problem #1:   

S: dysuria and frequency w/o flank pain, nausea, vomiting, fever, or chills, vaginal dc, nor abd pain w/o more

O: NAD nontoxic CVA nontender

A: cystitis 595.9  

P:  …. )